Authors are invited to submit original work that must not have been submitted to or published in any other workshop, conference, or journal. The Program Committee will review all abstracts and papers for significance, originality, accuracy, and clarity. Extended abstracts must include 2-3 pages providing key information about the organisation, main contributions, outcome and bibliographical references underlying the full paper. Full papers must consist of up to 6 pages, following publication format of templates provided below.
Authors are requested to obtain permission to use any material they do not own (data, image, schematic, etc.) for copyright reasons. Any paper that lacks the copyright rules will not be published in the proceedings of the conference. A permission request form could be downloaded on the conference website.
To download the appropriate templates (LateX or Words) refer to the following links:
LaTeX Archive (zip)
Microsoft Word (zip)
Permission request form (Word)
Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings. The extended version of selected accepted papers will be considered for publication in a major journal.
Instruction to authors
For the conference, original papers neither presented nor published at national or international meetings are expected. Authors are required to submit an abstract of their regular papers through the ICEASSM’2019 website from April 7 to May 12, 2019. Abstracts should be no more than 6 pages.
Tutorials must address key issues of broad interest in one area of the conference themes in fundamental research, applied research, engineering or innovation in developing countries. Authors can submit tutorial abstract first, through the conference website up to 27 November. Tutorial abstracts should not exceed 3 pages.
Upon receipt of a submission, the author will receive an email confirmation from ICEASSM. Therefore, it is necessary that authors provide a valid email address and configure the related inbox to accept emails from In case of address change, the author must provide the new contact information to the ICEASSM Program Committee.
Paper review process
By submitting a paper, the authors accept the condition that their contribution may be rejected at any time based on the decision of the conference Program Committee.
By submitting a contribution, the authors accept the condition for the paper is ultimately accepted into the Proceedings. At least one author must register, and the contribution presented to the conference, for the paper to be included in the conference proceedings.
Authors will be notified of the status of their paper. Authors will be required to submit a draft final paper just after the conference. Draft final papers will be subjected to review by peers from the International Program Committee and ICEASSM Editorial Board. The draft final papers will also be submitted to CrossCheck plagiarism detection tool. Authors will be given feedback on their full papers by the end of February 2020.
Authors of accepted contributions must submit the final version of their papers by the end of January 2020. At the same time, authors will be requested to complete and submit a Copyright Form.
Tutorial review process
By submitting an abstract for a tutorial, the author accepts the condition that if their tutorial is accepted for the conference, the author or a co‐author will attend the conference and deliver their tutorial.
The review procedure for tutorials is identical to the review procedure for papers except that they are reviewed only by Tutorial Committee and are not subjected to blind review.