Authors are invited to submit original papers that must not have been submitted to or published in any other workshop, conference, or journal. All submissions will be reviewed by the International Program Committee for significance, originality, accuracy, and clarity. For the acceptance decision, authors may submit a 3-page abstract or a full 6-page based on a template provided below. Papers must be written in correct English. Word and Latex templates are provided below. The full version of all accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings, published with Springer and indexed in bases including WoS, Scopus, Google Scholar, EI-Compendex, …
Authors are requested to obtain permission to use any material they do not own (data, image, schematic, etc.) for copyright reasons. Any paper that lacks the copyright rules will not be published in the proceedings of the conference. A permission request form could be downloaded on the conference website.
To submit a paper to ICEASSM’2019, you should use this EasyChair website.
Guide for authors
Links to download the appropriate templates (LaTeX or Word):
LaTeX Archive (zip)
Microsoft Word (zip)
The permission request form (Word)